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Mechanical Services in DC Metropolitan Area

Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. has a rich history dating back to 1945, specializing in the design and installation of commercial air conditioning systems for both the US Government and commercial building owners. Throughout our journey, we’ve always recognized the critical importance of a highly skilled workforce, a principle that still holds true today. Our dedication to invest in our people shines through the excellence of the projects we deliver. It’s our unwavering belief that our team makes all the difference.

We take immense pride in contributing to some of the most significant projects in the region. Our construction department is well-equipped with cutting-edge technology, and an industry-leading development and engineering team. This preparedness uniquely positions us to meet the demands of any commercial building project.

A water pump and valves were installed in a mechanical services room in the DC Metropolitan Area.

We Offer a Wide Range of Services for State, Local, and Office Buildings

  • HVAC Renovations and Upgrades
  • New Commercial Construction: HVAC and Plumbing
  • Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems
  • Chiller Replacements
  • Boiler Replacements
  • Cooling Tower Replacements
  • HVAC Riser Piping Replacements
  • Pumps and Hydronic Systems Replacements
  • Tenant Renovations
  • Geothermal HVAC Systems
  • Sheet Metal Ductwork and Air Distribution Systems
  • Historical Renovations

Trust the Mechanical Professionals

We’ve fostered long-standing partnerships with some of the region’s largest general contractors, developers, and building owners. We’re recognized as a pioneering mechanical contracting company and have played a pivotal role in the design and construction of numerous LEED Certified Green Buildings.

Our adaptability and extensive experience empower us to serve our customers with the utmost professionalism they expect. Our designs go beyond just creating mechanical HVAC systems; we evaluate factors such as productivity, risk assessment, and exposure as part of our regular business practices. Our projects are oriented towards achieving energy savings that have a tangible impact on our customers’ bottom line.

Get a Free Quote Today

Contact us today to request a complimentary estimate and discuss your project needs with our experienced team.

Plumbing system at a commercial property  In The DC Metro Area
A custom designed HVAC system In The DC Metro Area
Design Build

Schedule a Service Call Today With Harvey W. Hottel, Inc.